How Magento Contributes in Driving More Ecommerce Conversions and Sales

Everyone knows that people across the world choose to shop online rather than visit physical stores. This makes it indispensable for businesses to have an online store selling both products and services or lose out to competition.

Technology with time has changed, and creating an online store has become more affordable than ever before. With every business stepping up to the ecommerce pedestal, an enriching user experience is what will make your online platform stand out from the crowd. To create a fully functional and responsive eCommerce store, Magento remains the most popular platform for most developers, and with good reason.

Before we delve into its excellent features, however, let us tell you what Magento is all about:

Magento is an open source platform that comes pre-loaded with responsive designs, templates, and easily customizable themes, making it an ideal choice for creating an eCommerce store. The latest update, Magento 2, provides an easier customization process, an updated technology stack and a simplified dashboard making it easier for non-developers to handle the platform as well. The platform is intrinsically optimized to generate more sales.

Here’s how Magento contributes to driving more ecommerce conversions and sales:

Building Responsive Websites, Intuitively

Today, shoppers access the Internet over a variety of screens and devices. Business owners must ensure the responsiveness of their website across devices without compromising on the user experience or the quality of the website. In fact, a single responsive site is less expensive to create than maintaining different websites for each device.

Magento offers a responsive design ensuring your website is compatible with any device on which a user accesses it. Furthermore, the latest version of Magento provides better payment and checkout options, making the shipping process a seamless experience for the users.

Geo and Behavioral Targeting

Every shopper demands a personalized experience and Magento makes it possible for you to generate more leads by offering advanced features such as geo-targeting and behavioral targeting to help you reach out to your customers in a particular geographical location in the language they prefer. Magento identifies a customer’s geographical location and can lead the user to the website in their preferred language, resulting in a highly personalized user experience, the aim of every ecommerce website.

Another feather in the cap is the behavioral targeting feature that can help businesses successfully generate more leads by helping them deliver a highly customized experience to shoppers based on their location, website activity, shopping history and other interests.

Magento, as a platform, is loaded with the most advanced marketing tools and techniques that businesses can leverage to not only generate more leads but also affect more conversions on their website, the ultimate goal of any online store.

A Seamless Shopping Experience

Who doesn’t hate abandoned shopping carts on their online store? And yet, it’s one of the biggest problems faced by most ecommerce stores – potential customers leaving items abandoned in their shopping carts, probably turning to competitors offering a more simplified checkout process.

Indeed, a complicated checkout process can harm your sales significantly. Apart from being a big turn off for users, it may also affect the number of returning customers on your website.

Ecommerce sites based on Magento, however, can minimize abandoned shopping carts by using a one-step checkout extension offered by Magento on their websites that make it easier and faster for users to shop. As most would readily agree, a one-step checkout process simplifies the buying process for users, enriching the user experience and leading to more conversions on a website.

Customer Follow-Up Extension

To improve the performance of your website, Magento offers a service in the form of customer follow-up extension that detects cart abandonments on your ecommerce store and automatically sends follow-up emails to customers to gain better customer insights. The extension offers the following benefits:

  • Automatically track and send follow-up emails to customers abandoning their shopping carts.
  • Auto-response emails that enable customers to restore their shopping carts with only a single click.
  • Empower store owners by providing customer insights on their shopping experience.


One of the biggest advantages of Magento over other open source platforms is the number of options available to store owners to design, customize, and optimize their ecommerce stores for maximum returns. To help your website stand out in a crowd, Magento has several free and paid SEO extensions that improve your ecommerce optimization efforts, ensuring a higher rank for your ecommerce store in search results.

Apart from making your pages search engine friendly, the extensions can also help you optimize header and page titles for increased visibility. You can use an SEO extension for improved URLs and meta descriptions, HTML header, Google Sitemap optimization and much more.

Magento enables businesses to create beautiful, functional, responsive, and functional websites apart from offering tools and extensions to effectively generate more traffic and conversions on their websites. However, with so many upgraded technological features, it is best to have a professional team by your side as you make the transition to Magento 2.

Author Bio:

Brian Taylor is the Vice President at Forix Commerce, a Magento Enterprise Solutions Partner company with over 60 Magento 2 certified experts. Contact Forix for Magento web development and migration services to maximize your revenue potential.

1 Comment

  1. NCode Technologies on

    There is no doubt that Magento is a great tool for increasing your revenue and ROI on a newer online platform. It offers great ecommerce experience through it’s flexible and responsive layout. It’s one of the best ecommerce platform right now with lots of advance functionality. Thanks for the informative article.