Magento 2 Release Date

After a few years of speculation, an official Magento 2 road map is finally known. Mark Lavelle released the much anticipated road map on Magento Imagine 2014. Additionally, the 1.X series received an update on both community and enterprise edition.

Beta release
December 2014

The beta release of Magento 2 will see the light in December 2014. That’s little less than 7 months from now.

Release candidate #1
March 2015

The beta release will probably not be ready for production yet. In March 2015, the first release candidate will be released.

Release approach Magento 2

The release approach of Magento 2 /via @MageFlow

Magento CE 1.9 and Magento EE 1.14

Whilst Magento 2 is still a few months away, the 1.X series has received an update on both the community and enterprise channel. These were made available for download as soon as the announcement was made. A direct download for Magento Community Edition 1.9 is available here.

The complete release notes for CE 1.9 can be found here. Enterprise Edition users can find the release notes here. Notable improvements are a base responsive design, checkout improvements, a Zend framework upgrade (1.12.3) and native support for Solr (EE only).

Update 05-15-2014: Hotfix across the board. Magento CE (direct download) and Magento EE apparently fix a coupon code issue.


  1. Few years ago i wrote a post that Magento 2 is coming since at that time there was a lot of buzz about it. Even i was not keeping a tab on when will it be available. Thanks for the road map info :)nnAs promised if that’s a complete rewrite and made better than the current architecture i am sure it will tremendously boost Magento’s reputation in the market.

  2. I just moved to Spreecommerce [ROR]
    Spreecommerce is super fast and highly efficient than Magento.
    Spree requires 1 t2.medium where Magento requires 2x t2.medium

    hope Magento becomes more efficient than spreecommerce in terms of performance

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