How To Add a Custom Tab in Magento 2

Customer satisfaction is primary when you wish to run an ecommerce store successfully.

Among the many things that may help your customer like your store is product details. Customers want descriptive details about the product as it helps them decide whether to buy or not. Limited information about a product can potentially turn a customer away.

This topic is a part of Product Management Series in Magento 2. You can jump on to the other parts here:


For this purpose, I am going to teach you how to add a custom tab in Magento 2 for product details.

Add New Attribute and Add Attribute Set

Open the admin panel of your Magento 2 and go to Stores → Product and click on Add New Attribute button.

Add new attribute

Now insert the details of Attribute. Set the Default Label as Tab and Attribute Code as tab. Now just click on Save Attribute.

save attribute

Go to Stores → Attribute Set and then click on Add Attribute Set.

add attribute set

Insert Laptop as the name of Attribute Set and click on Save.

attribute set name

Now move tab from Unassigned Attributes to Product Details and click on Save.

Product Page Configuration

Open the product edit page from the admin panel of your store and select Laptop from the Attribute Set drop down.

product attribute

Scroll down the product edit page and you will see a new text field Tab. Add Tab Created in this text field and click on Save.

tab text

Create Module

Now I am going to create a custom module. If you don’t have any knowledge on how to create one, you can check this step-by-step guide: How to Create Module in Magento 2.

Configuration of Module

Create module.xml file in app/code/Magenticians/Mymodule/etc and paste this code in it:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
<module name="Magenticians_Mymodule" setup_version="2.0.0" />

Registration of Module

Create registration.php file app/code/Magenticians/Mymodule and paste this code to it:


Create Frontend Layout File

Create catalog_product_view.xml in app/code/Magenticians/Mymodule/view/frontend/layout and add this code to it:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceBlock name="">
<block class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\View" name="" template="Magenticians_Mymodule::extra_tab.phtml" group="detailed_info" >
<argument translate="true" name="title" xsi:type="string">Extra Tab</argument>

Create Template File

Create extra_tab.phtml file in app/code/Magenticians/Mymodule/view/frontend/templates and paste this code in it:


$product = $block->getProduct();


<h1 style="color: #ff6e17"><?php echo $product->getData('tab'); ?></h1>

Let’s move on to running commands now.

Note: All of the following commands will have to be run in the root directory of your Magento 2.

Run this command now:

php bin/magento module:status

If you found the module in the disabled list, then you have to enable it by running the following command:

php bin/magento module:enable Magenticians_Mymodule

Lastly, just run all these commands:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento cache:clean

php bin/magento cache:clean

Open the product page of your store and you will see the custom tab on it:

Custom tab added in Magento 2


To sum things up, descriptive details about the products you sell is necessary to make your online store a success. Hence, after following this simple tutorial, you should be able to add custom tabs in Magento 2 product page, which will allow your visitors to make up their mind about purchasing an item easily. If you have any confusion or want to add something to the tutorial, use the comment section below and be heard!

About Author

Syed Muneeb Ul Hasan is an expert in PHP and Magento, he prefers to educate users in implementing and learning Magento. When not working, he loves to watch cricket.


  1. Tarun Khanna on

    Upon creation of a new tab in magento 2 i need to add data in tabular form from admin. How can i do it ?

  2. Hi, thanks for the tutorial. I tried it, but cannot make it work, my site throws an error:
    a:4:{i:0;s:318:”Warning: include(/home/myusername/domains/my_domain/public_html/var/generation/Magento/Framework/App/FrontController/Interceptor.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/myusername/domains/my_domain/public_html/vendor/magento/framework/Code/Generator/Io.php on line 158″;i:1;s:2433:”#0 /home/myusername/domains/my_domain/public_html/vendor/magento/framework/Code/Generator/Io.php(158): MagentoFrameworkAppErrorHandler->handler(2, ‘include(/home/n…’, ‘/home/myusername/…’, 158, Array)

    what am I missing?

    • Hello,

      Yes, you can create more tabs in the same module by adding another block catalog_product_view.xml and by creating new template file for this block same as you have created extra_tab.phtml. Thanks!

  3. Tyler Jensen on

    I walked through the tutorial and it worked great. When I tried to create a second additional tab using your method in the comments it just replaced the other new one. So I recreated the module and it doesn’t show up. Should I do something different for the second tab?